Mitigation Banks
Anahuac Mitigation Bank
The Anahuac Mitigation Bank will generate non-forested (palustrine emergent and palustrine scrub-shrub) wetland credits to offset impacts from projects located from Galveston Bay to Beaumont / Port Arthur, and servicing parts of Jefferson, Chambers, and Liberty Counties.
This new mitigation bank abuts TEP’s Gulf Coastal Plains Mitigation Bank which, in turn, abuts the Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge. These banks effectively extend the size of the refuge by 800 acres to the northeast and provide high-quality wildlife habitat while also increasing storm surge resilience on the Texas coast.
Service Area Map
Gulf Coastal Plains Mitigation Bank
The Gulf Coastal Plains Mitigation Bank currently has non-forested wetland (palustrine emergent and palustrine scrub-shrub) and tidal wetland (estuarine emergent) credits available to offset impacts from projects around Galveston Bay and servicing parts of Harris, Galveston, Brazoria, Liberty, Chambers, and Jefferson Counties. The bank is ideally situated to provide compensatory mitigation east of Houston around Baytown and Mont Belvieu and south from Pearland to Galveston.
This mitigation bank is a 630-acre tract on the eastern side of Galveston Bay that abuts the Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge. The Earth Partners will establish, restore, and enhance 230 acres of freshwater marsh and open water habitat, 80 acres of coastal prairie, 220 acres of tidal marsh, 50 acres of tidal streams and mud flats, and 50 acres of shrub wetlands and upland buffer. The Gulf Coastal Plains site can also support wetland permittee-responsible mitigation (PRM) projects.
Service Area Map
Houston Conroe Mitigation Bank
The Houston Conroe Mitigation Bank has stream credits currently available to offset impacts from projects located north of Houston and servicing all or parts of Harris, Montgomery, Liberty, Walker, San Jacinto, and Waller Counties.
TEP has restored nearly 30,000 linear feet (over 5.5 miles) of stream channel, generating more than 100,000 stream credits in the San Jacinto River Basin.
Service Area Map
Spindletop Bayou Mitigation Bank
Approved in October 2022, the Spindletop Bayou Mitigation Bank is 400 acres and will generate 580 forested wetland (palustrine forested) credits to offset impacts from Galveston Bay to the Louisiana state line, servicing most of Jefferson and Chambers Counties.
Service Area Map
Tarkington Bayou Mitigation Bank
The Tarkington Bayou Mitigation Bank has forested wetland (palustrine forested) and non-forested wetland (palustrine emergent and palustrine scrub-shrub) credits and stream credits available to offset impacts from projects located north of Houston and servicing all or parts of Harris, Montgomery, Liberty, Walker, San Jacinto, and Waller Counties.
The Earth Partners has restored and enhanced 483 acres of impaired wetlands and established 137 acres of new wetlands at the Tarkington Bayou Mitigation Bank site. We have also re-established the hydrologic connection to 101 acres of previously isolated wetlands and improved the function of 5.4 miles of streams, which will generate more than 17,000 stream credits and 900 wetland credits in the San Jacinto River Basin.
The Earth Partners has developed and permitted three permittee-responsible mitigation (PRM) projects on this 3,000-acre site.