The Tarkington Bayou Mitigation Bank has forested wetland (palustrine forested) and non-forested wetland (palustrine emergent and palustrine scrub-shrub) credits and stream credits available to offset impacts from projects located north of Houston and servicing all or parts of Harris, Montgomery, Liberty, Walker, San Jacinto, and Waller Counties.
The Earth Partners has restored and enhanced 483 acres of impaired wetlands and established 137 acres of new wetlands at the Tarkington Bayou Mitigation Bank site. We have also re-established the hydrologic connection to 101 acres of previously isolated wetlands and improved the function of 5.4 miles of streams, which will generate more than 17,000 stream credits and 900 wetland credits in the San Jacinto River Basin.
The Earth Partners has developed and permitted three permittee-responsible mitigation (PRM) projects on this 3,000-acre site.